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Showing posts from January, 2020

Hypertension in Children May Occur, Know the Causes and How to Overcome It

Many people think that high blood pressure or hypertension is only experienced by adults or the elderly. Though this condition can also occur in children. Come on Mother, recognize the causes and how to overcome them. Blood pressure is measured by how strong the pressure is given when blood flows through blood vessels. In patients with hypertension, blood that is pumped has too much pressure on the blood vessels, so that it can cause damage to blood vessels, the heart, and other organs. This condition is often not preceded by any symptoms. However, hypertension that is classified as serious and needs to be treated immediately by a doctor can be identified from the symptoms of headache, vomiting, palpitations, shortness of breath, convulsions, or chest pain. If your child has this complaint, it is advisable to immediately check with your doctor. Various Possible Causes of Hypertension in Children There are several conditions and habits that can cause hypertension in children, incl...